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Top 5 Common Home Insurance Claims and How to Avoid Them

Top 5 Common Home Insurance Claims and How to Avoid Them (
Home insurance is designed to protect your most valuable asset—your home. Is it
necessary? Absolutely. Each year, one in twenty homeowners files an insurance claim.
The most common claims are from wind and hail. While the need for home insurance is
non-negotiable, there are things we can do to help us avoid some of the cost common
home insurance claims. Knowing what you can do to prevent claims will save you time,
money, and stress.

Common Claim #1: Wind and Hail Damage
Wind and hail can severely damage your home’s exterior, particularly the roof, windows,
and siding. While you can’t control the weather, you can take steps to minimize damage.

How to Avoid It: Regularly inspect your roof for loose shingles or other signs of wear
and repair them promptly. Ensure windows are properly sealed, and consider installing
storm shutters if you live in an area prone to severe weather. Secure outdoor furniture
that could be blown away during a storm.

Common Claim #2: Water Damage
Water damage is one of the leading causes of home insurance claims. It often results
from broken pipes, leaks, or faulty appliances. Even a small leak can lead to significant
damage and costly repairs if not addressed quickly.

How to Avoid It: Regularly inspect your home for leaks, especially in bathrooms,
kitchens, and basements. Install a water leak detection system that can alert you to
potential problems before they escalate. Ensure your plumbing is up-to-date, and
insulate pipes during cold months to prevent freezing and bursting.

Common Claim #3: Liability Claims
Injuries on your property can trigger a liability claim. Some of the most common events
ar slips on icy walkways and dog bites. These claims can be costly and time consuming
for homeowners.

How to Avoid It: To avoid liability claims, keep your walkways clear of ice, snow, and
other slipping hazards. If you have a dog, invest in professional training and supervise
the pet closely. Schedule regular checks for other property hazards like loose railings or
uneven surfaces. Prioritize fixing any issues immediately.

Common Claim #4: Theft
Unoccupied homes may become a target for theft. Thieves look for homes that appear
to be vulnerable or homes where the owner may be away. This is why enhanced security
is critical in protecting your home.

How to Avoid It: An alarm system with motion detectors is important for securing your
home. Regularly checking locks and installing motion-activated lighting on the outside
of your home also deter thieves. If you will be away from your hoe for an extended
period, ask a neighbor to keep an eye on your property and consider the use of timers to
alternate lights inside of your home so that it appears someone is home.

Common Claim #5: Fire Damage
Fires can start from cooking accidents, faulty electrical outlets, or unattended candles,
and they can cause extensive damage in a short time.

How to Avoid It: Install smoke detectors throughout your home, particularly in the
kitchen and bedrooms. Schedule recurring checks of your alarms and replace their
batteries regularly. Consider having a fire extinguisher in key areas like the kitchen.
Avoid overloading electrical outlets and replace any frayed or damaged wires.

Preventing Common Insurance Claims
By taking preventive measures, you can avoid many of the common claims that
homeowners face. Regular inspections, timely repairs, and investing in safety features
not only keep your home safe but also give you peace of mind.
Secure Your Home with SFM Insurance

Protect your home and your finances by staying aware of common risks and knowing
about issues that lead to claims. Additionally, don’t forget to ask your insurance agent
to review your home insurance policy and make sure you have the right coverage.

Contact SFM Insurance for a custom quote. Our team of professionals is ready to help
you choose the right insurance plan to ensure your home’s safety. Don’t wait—take
control and secure your home today!