Need to file a claim or make a payment? To file a claim online or make a direct bill payment, click on your carrier’s link, below, to be taken directly to their website. Have a question about filing a claim or about the status of an existing claim? Click here for a full list of our locations and contact information. Our team of seasoned experts are here to work with you from beginning to end, day or night. For all other insurance questions or needs, please email us at [email protected] or contact us at the location closest to you.
For immediate assistance, day or night, call 937-382-2546 or click here to access SFM’s customer InsurLink (formerly Client Portal).

Acuity Insurance

American Modern Insurance Group

Berkshire Hathaway Homestate Companies
To report a claim:
To make a payment online:

Celina Insurance
To make a payment online:

Central Mutual Insurance

Cincinnati Insurance
To make a payment online:

Grange Insurance

Hagerty Insurance

Liberty Mutual Insurance

Progressive Insurance
To make a payment online:

Safeco Insurance

Travelers Insurance

UFG Insurance

West Bend Insurance Company
To make a payment online:
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